To model, we will study the data of:
- Ratio of GDP fraction of agriculture as a function of GDP per capita
- Ratio of labor force in agriculture to GDP per capita
- Ratio fraction of GDP of agriculture by country
- Ratio of labor force in agriculture by country
- Arable land (% of land area), Chile
- Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 km2 of arable land, Chile
- Cereal yield (kg per hectare), Chile
- Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land), Chile
- Tuition, tertiary (gross%), Chile
- Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 km2 of arable land, Germany
- Cereal yield (kg per hectare), Germany
- Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land), Germany
- School enrollment, tertiary (gross%), Germany
From what we conclude that can be modeled in a phenomenological way
- labor required based on arable land (arable area) and level of technology used (eg agricultural machinery) = labor force
- production based on arable land (arable area), level of technology used (eg agricultural machinery) and inputs (eg fertilizer) = production index
- value of production = GDP of the agriculture
ID:(24, 0)
Ratio fraction of GDP of agriculture as a function of GDP per capita
The fraction of GDP that is generated in agriculture
what is observed in the following curve:
ID:(38, 0)
Ratio fraction of labor in agriculture as a function of GDP per capita
The fraction of the labor force dedicated to agriculture
what is observed in the following curve:
ID:(39, 0)
Ratio fraction of GDP of agriculture by country
The fraction of GDP that is generated in agriculture
ID:(40, 0)
Ratio fraction of labor in agriculture by country
The fraction of the labor force devoted to agriculture
ID:(41, 0)
Arable land (% of land area), Chile
The share of agriculture in GDP depends on the one hand on productivity and on the other hand on the availability of arable land. To the extent that this is not degraded or reassigned to other purposes, it should remain approximately constant. In the case of Chile, there is an initial increase and the conservation of a level with fluctuations in a range of 10% of the total:
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Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land, Chile
The explanation of the reduction of the labor force can be associated to the increase of agricultural machinery that replaces labor force, for example, in the case of Chile in the number of tractors per 100 km2:
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Cereal Yield (kg per hectare), Chile
The explanation of the reduction of the labor force can be associated to the increase agrarian performance shown for example in the case of Chile in cereals:
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Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land), Chile
The increase in agricultural productivity is due to the use of better inputs (eg seeds), techniques (eg drainage and conservation) and supports (eg fertilizers). In fertilizers, it is observed in the case of Chile:
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School enrollment, tertiary (% gross), Chile
he use of machinery, the application of technologies, supplies and more sophisticated support systems require a better prepared workforce. This means that the new labor force will exist to the extent that there is a greater enrollment in the tertiary educational level (Universities and Professional Institutes). In the case of Chile, the enrollment ratio based on the total number of students is shown in the following curve:
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Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land, Germany
If you look at the data from Germany, you can see that the number of machining used goes down from 1300 in 1990 to just over 800 in 2000:
As there is no increase in labor, it should be assumed that the reduction, as in other countries with a similar GDP per capita, is due to an increase in the machinery itself or to the processes associated with its use.
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Cereal Yield (kg per hectare), Germany
If the data for Germany is observed, it is discovered that an asymptotic value of the order of 6700 kg per hectare has been reached:
This is the value that is being achieved, for example, in Chile.
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Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land), Germany
In the case of Germany, it is found that the level of fertilizer use is of the order of 200 kg per hectare of arable land:
In the case of Chile, the current level is decreasing to reach these values.
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School enrollment, tertiary (% gross), Germany
In the case of Germany, the level that is being reached is around 55% of the population that could study by age.
In the case of Chile, the value is higher than, at least for the agrarian sphere, it would not bring advantages.
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